Hormones after weaning/ period talk


How long does it take for your hormones to go back to normal after stopping breastfeeding? My daughter self weaned about 2ish weeks ago and my boobs are almost completely dry. If I try to squeeze some out I'll get like a few drops. But anyway the reason I'm asking is because I had a hard time losing weight while breastfeeding and now that we're done I've been eating very healthy and working out 5 days a week and I usually take my daughter on a walk about 5 days a week as well but I'm still struggling to drop the weight. I also haven't gotten my period back yet (I was on the depo. Stopped taking it in may so that may be what's causing the no period thing) emotionally I'm feeling pretty normal but I'm just wondering if maybe the hormones are the reason I can't seem to lose much weight. (Lost 1 pound in 3 weeks)