
Long story short:

I’m on birth control and i was on my last day of my period, I refilled my prescription that same night because my doctor for the last 3-4 years of my life has always approved it right away, therefor I can go pick it up the next day. Well this time, she didn’t. (Learned my mistake) Anyways, i missed two days, and one day i still kinda on my period and my bf finished in me.. The next he was supposed to pull out.. and didn’t.

I got on birth control the very next day and even doubled up that.

The top picture is one week after my period, and the second one is a little after a week.

I see a faint line on the second one that’s no where to be found on the first one.

Could I be pregnant?


JUST took a test, we all see a faint line!!!

Am I pregnant?????