Should i leave him?

We have been married for 10years. I have been through cheating, physical abuse mental abuse. He has changed and grown from those things, but he is still very mentally abusive. We don’t celebrate birthdays anymore or anniversary. He makes negative comments all the time and never helps or cares about my feelings. Right now i am at my moms house and he is begging me to come back home. We have a child together. I have stayed because i love him through everything and always prayed he will one day change for me. But i am losing hope. I dont know what to do. He makes me think that its all my fault that its all in my head. I sometimes question myself if it’s truely just in my head. But i dont think so. Just last week we had a family party and he mocked me for how i was struggling to walk wearing heels and holding my childs hand walking slow. He didnt bother to help. He just said i dont even know why you bother to wear such things. It was embarrassing there were people around us. When i told him later he said sorry thats it. For our recent anniversary i said we haven’t done anything in a long time i want a gift i want a purse you should get it for me. And he ignored it. I want more from a relationship... is that even possible? Are all relationships like this?

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