Prayers please!

If you ladies dont mind to send a prayer up for me when you pray. Me and my husband have being going through a trial that isn't easy for anyone..we had a miscarriage. I didnt know I was pregnant because I'm on birth control. I went to use the bathroom and I had ( may be TMI so dont continue to read if you dont want to.) I had wiped and there was a clump that was a lightish grey and there was a form of it that was shaped like a peanut and it was sorta forming. The devil has been on my shoulder, saying that I just seen things and I've made up a big lie about it all. I called the doctor and they told me to take a pregnancy test and I took two, and it had been going on for so long without knowing, (I had bad cramps and it was normal for me when I'm on my period so I thought that's what it was) that one was negative and the other was positive, but had a faint pink line on it. I've been struggling so hard because I believe my baby is in heaven and the devils saying I didnt have one and that it's not true. The doctors said that it was to late the for a 100% confirmation but it sounded like one, but they wouldn't promise me it was. So I've been struggling hard with it all. So I'd like to ask for a prayer to help me through it. Thank you so much!