Ttc and discouraged!

I’m 25 and my husband is 31. We have been ttc for almost a year. I have PCOS so I’ve been going to a fertility doc. I had an <a href="">IUI</a> which didn’t take and my next step was <a href="">ivf</a>. During my orientation to <a href="">IVF</a> they encouraged me to go for a full check up with my GYN (I go annually so was confused why). Turns out I had a pap come back abnormal so I went and had a colposcopy which came back with high-grade abnormal cells so I had a leep procedure last week. I got my leep results back and there still are high-grade abnormal cells left. If I get pregnant I would be considered high risk and I can’t get pregnant until all this stuff is healed and figured out because my cervix wouldn’t be strong enough. Just totally discouraged and frustrated. It’s been one thing after another! I just want to be healthy and be a kick ass momma.