Newbie 😏

I am so embarrassed to say this as I am a newbie to smoking and this group seems like y’all have been doing to for ever lol so I’m going to stay anon for now. Here is a little background on me:

I am 25, married to my best friend and we recently had our first baby. My son is 6 months old on Monday. I have always suffered from some generalized anxiety and depression as it runs strong in my family. I’ve done therapy here and there and don’t want to use any anxiety meds because well I’ve worked in the medical field and I know how all that is handled and I am not a fan of it. I have always just been able to manage my anxiety in my own until these last few years. I’ve had a lot of death, and family drama, etc in the last 2 years. I use to smoke here and there when I was 21 when I would go out drinking but it always made me sick ( I can’t mix alcohol and weed.) my husband and I recently made the choice to start slowly smoking as we are going to be more accessible to it since we are moving into our first house down by the beach ( which the area we are moving to is a little hippie, 420 friendly “community.”) so we are pretty excited! I am so nervous to smoke again since I had a bad experience in my party years. I’m afraid how my body will react and how I will be. I’ll be smoking at night once my son is in bed so I have time to figure it all out. But I could use some advice or kind words or even how you do it and manage it with a small child. I am also asthmatic so if anyone else is and smokes let me know how you feel! Thanks y’all 😊