Breastfeeding help!


My baby has been eating foods here and there since about 4 months old. (He is almost 7 mo the now) He will have breakfast with me, that consists of usually eggs pancakes (or waffles) and snack on yogurt bites throughout the day, along with breast milk, and I’ll feed him what I can with my dinner (foods that are soft enough broccoli, yogurt etc)

It has come to my attention in the last week he’s not really drinking breast milk. I think he prefers actual food. My husband (I’m at work during the day) tries to offer the bottle and he’ll eat about 2-3 oz at a time compared to 6-8 he used to eat a couple months ago.

His height and weight are fine. And he’s eating “solids” fine, but doesn’t want milk during the day. I actually came to the point where I just froze two 6oz bags so they don’t go bad.

He does nurse from me to go to bed. And we co sleep and about 2 times in the middle of the night he’ll wake and “nurse” but I’m starting to think it’s for comfort and not eating. (Please don’t comment on ‘give him a binky. Shouldn’t be cosleeing’. That’s not what the post is about)

I guess I have a lot of questions. Is he weaning himself ? Should I cut down on pumping now? I pump 3 times a day M-F all at work. (I don’t know if I’m ready to stop) but if he’s ready to stop there’s no need for me to be. Anyone else’s go through this and they went back to drinking normal bottles? I’m unsure of what to do. I wanted to make it to a year but I feel he’s done.