I have no words...

On June 11th, I got my first ever BFP after 10 months of trying.

I went on to see my baby at 2 ultrasounds with a strong heartbeat.

This week I went back, and it’s heart had stopped beating. It had stopped growing at 8w2d shortly after my last ultrasound.

Yesterday, I miscarried my sweet baby. I have no words to describe how it feels To look down at the lifeless body of a baby that you and your husband waited for and already loved so much.

I feel so alone. So empty. I go to rub my belly and remember that our baby isn’t there anymore. I’m all cried out, it’s just overwhelming sadness at this point.

Once the bleeding stops, we will start all over again and pray for a miracle to heal our hearts and know that when we do get our miracle, it will have a sibling watching over it from heaven. 😭🌈💔