
I’m 5 months postpartum from a c section , I am not breastfeeding. This is my 3rd baby. & 3rd c section.

My first period started last month on June 28th. The cramping was horrendous and the period was the heaviest of my entire life.

Did anyone else experience this ? Did your period ever go back to normal ? I can’t even imagine it coming back again within a few days as terrible as it was last month.

I am experiencing some strong cramping as we speak. Here and there all day. And it was just so bad I actually had a soft Bowel movement from it, at least that’s what I think it’s from.

My anxiety is so bad and I’m so stressed about everything life related. But my period is really stressing me out . I do have an appointment with my OB next month , but I swear if you’re not pregnant the nurses are kind of rude.

Thank you.