Hospital testing.


Hi all!!

I texted positive at the beginning so they repeated a test for me at 30 weeks. It came back negative. I have vaped a couple times but actually didn’t partake as much as I thought I would at the beginning of my pregnancy. Usually, before I got pregnant, I was an everyday smoker.

My midwife said that a social worker will still probably come in and talk to me about not smoking and breast feeding, which is fine but does anyone think they will do any other testing?

I don’t want my hospital to flag me for some other reason if I straight up ask my midwife but I would hope they would tell me if they planned on it. It’s causing me a tad bit of anxiety.

They told me about the repeat test at 30 weeks so I’d assume they would tell me if they planned others but I’m just not sure.

I live in MA. Any info would be helpful! Thanks!