Anyone Ever have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis


I have low Thyroid for over a year on Levothyroxine 50mg. I'm just gonna jump into symptom I'm having please tell me if you had any of these issues. I know you aren't doctors yes I made an appointment just trying to figure out what this is Google is no help.

*Extremely tired, feeling ran down

*No appetite (dosen't exist)

*Cant think properly

*Cold feet can't get warm at all

*2 periods in 1 month (odd) extremely heavy

*depression feeling

*Nails are ridged and dry (odd)

*Toe nails have thickened over time

*Throat hurts up to ear off and on

*Throat feels "small"

*Feels like something is putting pressure on left side of neck

*Hair has been falling out but recently worsened

*Feeling flushed off n on

*some trouble swallowing

*Dry mouth

*Tongue feels enlarged

*Migraines every day

*Sick feeling

*Quick pain in neck area happened only once but hurt never felt it b4

*Constant junk in throat (not a sinus infection or cold)

*Constipation (Exlax not working)

*No sexual desire

*Can feel breathing slow at times

*Heart skips beats off n on