Not as interested in nursing...

Becca • One in heaven 💛 10/14/17, and one beautiful 🌈 girl born 10/3/18

So my little girl is nearly 10 months old. Ebf from day 1. Sometimes she gets a bottle of bm if daddy feeds her.

Well, the past few days I’ve noticed that her interest in bf has gone down. Night time feeding is still good, and morning she still wants boob but during the day, she latches for just a couple minutes then starts trying to sit up and play with a couch cushion or anything else that catches her interest.

Could this lack of interest be from teething? Her two top teeth look ready to pop through any time now. It’s been pretty hot out here and I want her to stay well hydrated. She still has full interest in purées and food and her water cup, but not boob ☹️

Not sure what to do. Should I start just pumping and feeding her from bottles or sippy cups since she seems more interested in them? I always pictured bf until she was closer to 1.5 years.