Anyone else??


I’m looking for maybe someone who’s had a similar experience and their outcome for that cycle if they don’t mind sharing, as well as just some insight and advice! I have PCOS and normally have very irregular cycles when unmedicated, but the last two-three months I’ve been regular while unmediated! I had a normal period from June 27th-July 3rd, normal color, flow, length, everything. The app I use said I was supposed to ovulate on July 14th, but I’m not 100% sure I did as I have not been tracking with opk’s because we had decided to take the rest of the year off. I did cramp the two days leading up to my anticipated ovulation day as well as the day I supposedly ovulated. Which for me that’s usually a tell-tale sign that I indeed, did! I had noticed three days ago that I had just been feeling off, sick, crampy, just all around not good. These symptoms continued and actually increased to a point over the following three days. On July 24th (10dpo), on up in the afternoon, I wiped and noticed some pink spotting. Just one spot that was about a quarter size. I wiped again and noticed the same thing only smaller. Later on that day, I used the restroom again and noticed there was no spotting. I decided to check my cm so I could track it, and noticed it was a very pale pinkish/brown color. I put a panty liner on in case it was horrid af coming. The night went on, nothing. No spotting, no flow, just disappeared. I haven’t had anything else since then, not a drop! I got to researching and the topic of implantation spotting came up, which in my head of course made sense considering the day before I spotting I had some period like cramps for about 20 minutes the night before the spotting occurred. I am now two days away from af, with no sign of her. I haven’t had any period like cramps today, maybe some dull aches/twinges here and there in my lower back as well as the front area. The only other symptoms I’ve had is fatigue, runny nose, lower body aches, headaches, irritable/moodiness, and just feel like crap. Just wondered get if anyone else has went through something similar and could give me some insight and opinions!! Thanks everyone!! ❤️