Is it too late to sleep train my baby?

My baby still doesn't know how to self soothe 😭. We have made gradual progress where my 11 month daughter can fall asleep without me having to rock her, but I have to be lying next to her (we bed share). Recently I haven't been able to do that though, I believe she's teething or she's transitioning from 2 naps to 1. (It's hard to tell because she went through the 8-10 month sleep regression not that long ago. I'm not sure if it's over). So lately I've been having to rock her again. I always feel like one step forward, two steps back. :(

I have been wanting to try the ferber method, but I haven't been able to because I live with my mom, and she will not let me do it. My friend is going out of town on the 9th, and my daughter and I will be house sitting for a week. I feel like this can be an opportunity for me to try to sleep train since I will be out of my mom's house.

I'm wondering if any August mommas have sleep trained their babies at 9 or 10 months? Or any mommas trying it now? Should I give the ferber method a shot? Even though it will be at my friend's house?

I do want my baby to finally start sleeping through the night (and her naps, since they don't go so well either). I'm so exhausted and I want to sleep myself, but I think it's even more important for my daughter to learn to self soothe and to be able to put herself to sleep. I feel like she won't be so tired all the time. My baby literally has DARK CIRCLES. I want us to both be well rested 😢.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!