

My boyfriend this last week was confronted by the police about an intimate picture he posted to a girl he was with 2 years ago. Iā€™m assuming she reported it after they broke up. But the police came to work and called his dad (since heā€™s only 16). The cops basically told him ā€œnot cool donā€™t do it againā€ and went on their way.

My boyfriends mom and dad (minor background: both of his parents are legal immigrants. His dad is from Germany and his mom is from Mexico they have lived in the US since my boyfriend was 6) then came up with the solution to completely wipe his phone clean and take it from him. Because they are worried that after 2 years there is still the possibility that predators may hack his phone and find pictures of his little sister (I understand the concern here but at the same time Iā€™m low key shaking my head) and theyā€™ll find them. And like the rebellious 16 almost 17 year old he is, he said no and stated his case saying ā€œif a predator was gonna find us they wouldā€™ve alreadyā€ (in away he had a point). But his dad didnā€™t care (his dad is ex German military so you can kind of assume his reaction) he went to grab the phone from my boyfriend and my boyfriend punched him (definitely donā€™t condone his actions and he and I talked about it). Now remember his dad is ex military. Instead of walking away, like a parent should, his dad tackled him to the ground and beat my boyfriend upside the head and strangled him. (Now Iā€™ve been in my fair share of altercations with my parents and theyā€™ve said things that really hurt me and continue to hurt me to this day but never have they ever tried to kill me.) His dad let go and told my boyfriend he could no longer carry his name and he is no longer part of his family. Basically disowned him. And told my boyfriend to get tf outta his house. So my boyfriend packed a bag and left.

The next morning, his step mom found him sleeping in a ditch. And he told me about it when he got back to the house. Originally I didnā€™t have the details I do now but I was still pissed. I went to see him while he was at work and he was covered in bruises. All I wanted to do was hug him, but I didnā€™t want to hurt him either. He said he wouldā€™ve called me, but the only place he had my number was in his phone. Which obviously he didnā€™t have. So I wrote down my number and my address and put it in his wallet. Then told him my couch is always open.

Now Iā€™m all for disciplining your kids, but in my opinion, his dad took it too far. What do you guys think? Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.