Whole grains?


Looking for input from whole grain fanatics out there. I have been transitioning our family to whole grains, which has definitely needed to be a gradual transition! The taste of refined flour… Going from that to whole grain instantly is yuck! But we have been gradually eating more and more robust grains, giving our palettes time to get used to the changes,and I’m looking for the next step for introducing other grains beyond things made from whole-grain flour and brown rice. So far we are eating whole-grain bread, bagels, oatmeal, tortillas, and brown rice. I researched some more whole grains out there, and it was very intimidating! What would be a good next step, and what would be some recipes? Just a note: in the past I have absolutely hated cold salads with quinoa, so hold off on that suggestion for now :P

If anyone is looking for a good diet change, I would totally recommend transitioning to more whole grains! Grain is not your enemy (unless you have a gluten sensitivity or celiac)! my body is getting more nutrients, and I am eating less! Whole grains have helped me to feel full and satisfied and that I don’t want to eat anymore until I’m hungry, and they have been helping me curb my bad snacking habits! Combined with exercise, I have been slowly losing some weight, too!