Early riser or sleep regression?


Hi ladies,

Wondering what you think this is - my little guy has been getting up VERY early these past few weeks. It started off at 3am or 4 am and now it's turning into 5-5:30am.

I did slightly move up his bedtime but only by 30-45 mins so I don't know if it's that causing it.

Before he was 4 months his bedtime routine was in bed by 8:30-9pm and slept until 6:30-7am.

Currently is bedtime routine is in bed by 8pm and up at 5-5:30am with a few nights where he woke at 3 or 4am.

He does not wake at all through the night and I am NOT complaining or taking it for granted. I'm simply just wondering if this will pass and he will sleep a little longer, even till 6-6:30am would be great!

What do you ladies think this is, early riser or sleep regression?

To add to this, he went through leap 4 and it was hectic!!! Also, he was very much affected by the sleep regression, naps were non existent and the middle of the night wakes as mentioned before.

Thank you in advance!❤