How and when did you find out what you wanted to do in life?

Hey, ladies👋🏽

I’ve been struggling for the last two years not really knowing which direction to take my life in career wise. I know what I want for my personal life to get engaged to my bf marry him move into a bigger apartment to start a family. But for what I want for my career I just don’t know. I’ve been working with children since I was 15 I’m now 26 a few months shy of 27 and I currently work as an assistant Teacher to a class of one year olds. I have my bachelors in psychology. I just feel like I have no direction. Everyone assumes I should be or want to be a teacher but I don’t. Teaching is not my life’s calling I love the kids and I always give my jobs my all but it’s not what I’m feel deep inside is what I’m supposed to do. I just got started out at a young age of 15 with community service tutoring third graders, then 17 summer youth being a teacher’s aide and I got hired and worked there through my senior year. Then the summer before college I worked as a camp counselor. Every summer throughout college I worked as a camp counselor until I transferred to a college back home and did after school during the school year and continued summer camp during the summers. Then two years ago I got hired by my college to work as an assistant Teacher to the college day care and I’ve been there for two years. But it’s clear they are moving in the direction of making everyone certified teachers and that’s understandable it is a lab school for the education department but now that leaves me with the question of what next since I am not going in the direction they want their staff to go? I got my certification to be a paraprofessional so I’ve been thinking of applying to the public schools. But its still with children and will be another filler job to keep a paycheck flowing in. I just feel like once your resume is all one thing it makes it hard to branch out when you only have skills in one area.

I love to write. I’ve been working on my novel for two years but I have painful carpal tunnel from too many hours writing on my laptop. So even a career as a writer or any job in the office will be a challenge. But I love creating my story and it makes me so sad that I have very little time to dedicate to writing.

When did everyone else find there paths? I just feel like 26 is too old to still be working jobs just to get a paycheck and pay the bills. Shouldn’t I be working on a career path and building in it? Or is where I am okay? I just don’t know what’s next. I even got into grad school I just applied to just apply and have something to do because I feel like that’s the next step but I don’t want even know if school counseling is what I want to do in life. Everyone else at my job is either starting grad school, almost done, or just graduated to be teachers so I felt left behind and applied to not feel like o wasn’t doing anything with my life. But even my acceptance didn’t make me feel like I had direction I still feel so lost and unsure of my path.

I just want want a job/career that excites me and I genuinely feel happy to wake up in the morning