Clomid-Menopur-iui Unexplained Infertility


Good things come in threes right?

Blood work all turned out good when we started this process, semen average from hubby, I had plenty of eggs. Diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

Three months ago I had an HSG (totally painful but quick). All clear. Didn’t get pregnant.

I did clomid 100 units last month and an ovidrel shot, but only produced one egg like normal ovulation and it didn’t get fertilized with perfect three days in a row timed intercourse.

NOW I’m on menapur for five nights, CD3-8, and clomid. I get my follicles checked in two days. Then

<a href="">IUI</a>


I should also say that I have a 3.5 year old, never had a miscarriage, but have been trying for number two for two years. I’m 32.

Anyone share similar fertility treatments?