It should not be a pain in the ass like this

I should not have to beg for an afternoon off work to go see a doctor. All I ask if that I have the afternoon off so I can see a doctor. I shouldn’t have to explain in detail the personal reasons I need to see a doctor. I very very rarely take days off for this reason. It should be short and simple, o request an afternoon off in advance saying I need a doctors visit, I get approved and then I go and take care of myself and get seen. No personal questions asked like you need me to prove I really need to see a doctor. That’s what a fucking doctors note is for. It should not take weeks of me begging for me to get a few hours off so I can take care of myself. People shouldn’t force sick employees to be at work. And they wonder why their turnover rate is so high 🙄

I’m starting to believe my bosses are psychopaths because with the attitudes I catch when asking for time off, you’d think I’m asking them to sacrifice their boyfriends to Satan so I can have a fun time with my doctor for an afternoon. Oh, and if you’re about to ask there is no calling in. Unless you want the rest of your week at work to be a nightmare.