32 weeks Baby in breech position..!Help me


Hi everyone..! Iam really upset frst thing I got in my mind is I wanna share it with all you and make my self cntrl want some support and help from all.......my frst baby is at 37weeks natural labour with 7.4lbs and now this is my 2nd pregnacy with high risk due to UTI & Hydronephrosis..today I went for growth scan at 32weeks 2days..and baby weight is 6.2lbs and baby's head is measuring 38w and full baby is measuring 36w.....and baby is in breech position when visited to dr she said at 32weeks 6.2lbs is more weight if it goes full terms 40w we can expect 9 to10lbs baby and baby is in breech position she said she is not going to change the due date &she said it is going to be C section ...by now itself I know how much pressure I am going through I can't walk nrml i can't sit and cant make to go washroom for myself I cant sleep because I have pubic bone pain and vaginal pain and baby is sitting low on my butt the pressure is like hell....But I am not at all ready for C section . I am scared for Csection in my whole life it is the hardest one for me...it made me breakdown todayy..😢 I am really feeling so much stressed &hopeless.... I want to go through the pain for my 2nd one too which I went for my 1st one without any epidural I want to feel all the things for my 2nd one too and I dont know why Csection is the scariest part for me 😢😢....is there any chances for baby to flip to headdown at this stage...? Does I have the chances for nrml labour with that much baby weight..?And till how many weeks baby's have chances to flip head down..?and dont think I can make my self confident my dr discourged me today with all her words and she said surely make yourself prepared for Csection with rough tone.. which I felt like if ask some more questions & options she will shout at me....so Iwanna ask all your help and suggestions.. I am hoping to know it's possible and chances ? Any experience for anyone that gone breech position to flip after 32weeks..? Any experience with nrml labour with that much baby weight ..?I wanna make my self confident that still chances are there and I can make it for nrml labour and any suggestions and Hope's from your side is well appreciated

Thank you..!