bridezilla friend 🤦🏻‍♀️

today i went bridesmaids dress shopping with my friend for her wedding. she is the BIGGEST bridezilla i have ever met. i had zero fun the whole time because she just is so annoying about everything. i know it’s her wedding but idk i just can’t deal with people always getting mad about every little thing that isn’t right. she tried in her wedding dress today and got mad bc no one said if they liked it or not...??? then we get in the car w her soon to be MIL and she said “i really don’t think anyone likes my dress. it hurts my feelings” and we were trying to find somewhere to eat afterwards and she literally THREW A FIT because we wanted to go somewhere and she didn’t want to go to that place so we all had to go where she wanted to go. i literally had the worst time. idk!!! just needed to rant and get it off my chest!!!!!