No one to talk to

Sorry about the rant I just needed to vent and have no one to talk to. My sister and I have always been very close. She had been through 5 pregnancies one of which ended in a miscarriage and I have always been with her to every doctors appointment and with her first 2 I stayed with her at the hospital overnight, which meant leaving my husband at home but he didn’t mind. Now I am currently pregnant after almost 10 years of infertility and I feel like her attitude towards me has completely changed and I don’t know why. I always knew she wouldn’t be there for me like I was for her and I didn’t mind but it seems like she just hates the idea of me being pregnant. She has told me she finds it soo annoying that people talk about my pregnancy like if it was a miracle from God, which my husband and I do see it that was after so many years of trying. I was also told by the doctor not to do any lifting and she knows but she’s constantly trying to get me to carry her children, including her 8 year old daughter, and she keeps saying having a miscarriage is no big deal anyways. She also constantly wants me to babysit all her children so that her and her husband can go out alone. I usually wouldn’t mind babysitting but my husband asked me not to because she has a toddler that likes to jump on top of people and he’s worried about the baby. However my sister says she doesn’t see what the problem is and she gets upset that I tell her I can’t babysit and accuses me of not liking her children. I love her children very much but I also want to be extra careful to take care of my baby I just don’t get why she gets like that and I have tried talking to her but it seems like it goes in one ear and out the other.