Can you still get pregnant if you have extremely light periods?


I’m not writing because I’m worried about now, but the future. I’m almost 24 and 2.5 years ago my periods changed and got significantly lighter. They used to be four days of constantly having to change every few hours until day 3 or 4. Now they’re still four days but day 1 and 2 I could probably keep the same pad in all day before it gets filled (I obviously change it for sanitary reasons but I’m just saying it’s gotten much lighter). Sometimes it will even last 1 day and day 2, 3,4 are mostly just spotting or bleeding here and there. My mom mentioned today if you have really light periods it might mean you could be infertile and that really scares me because eventually I do want kids (not anytime soon), maybe closer to 30. Family-wise everyone has relatively regular periods, and I. dont know why mine got much lighter around 2017, they just did. I just don’t want to be infertile. I go for my yearly gyn visit and everything’s looked very normal and “boring” in ultrasounds and I’ve mentioned my light but very crampy and bloaty cycles but they haven’t said anything about it. I’m not on BC.

Basically is it true that light periods could indicate lack of fertility?