Really really need help

Troyneitra • 21yr future phlebotomists👩🏽‍🎓 mother of 1 in heaven 👼🏽 Find love in yourself before loving your creation🥰

I have been with my significant other for almost 4years now. I never really thought that trying to conceive would be this hard, but it has absolutely been the most challenging test thrown at me. I had some doubts about my uterus and fertility because I was rapped ,and became pregnant had an abortion and this all happened at the age of 14. From then on I was on depo provera until 3yrs sho when my boyfriend decided I didn’t need it and if it happened it happened. Obviously it still has not happened I have no clue what to do now I take prenatal so have seen doctors and they all say the same things. I’m okay nothings wrong but this is the thing they all have told me as long as I have a regular period I should be able to conceive. My question is why hasn’t it happened or what can I do to make the chances greater. Also my boyfriend is a twin shouldn’t that help my chances?