My 3 month old smotherd

So today my son was left on his back on my bed. I was mopping maybe Away for 8 mins and when I checked on him he was on his stomach face down whimpering a little bit. I didn’t think much of it until I rolled him over and picked him up. His whole mouth was blue them his eyes rolled in the back of his head. I was screaming trying to wake him up. He would make little noises and then be out. I thought I was losing my baby. He was limp and unconscious. I didn’t know what to do. I called 911 ASAP. They were taking soo long I was freaking out because I couldn’t get him to wake up. I took him outside my apt to see if anyone knew cpr. A nice lady across the way took him cause she saw I was panicking. She pushed on his stomach a little and he started crying a little. The ambulance came and he was slowly but surely okay. He lost a lot of oxygen. I am sooo thankful I got to him in Time. I feel like a horrible mother. I can’t stop crying. The worse day of my life. I thought my baby died in my arms. I’m traumatizes and can’t sleep I can’t put my baby down