Baby just doesn’t sleep


I literally don’t know what to do, my son is 4 months (we already had a horrific patch when he was about 3 and a half months which I thought was the sleep regression and he came out of it and went back to his normal 4-6 hour stretches). We’ve just taken his swaddle away, I know it should of gone long ago but it was the only way he would actually sleep. Now it’s gone we’re back to having a newborn. He just doesn’t sleep and I don’t know what to do. The last week has just been living hell and it’s getting worse. He won’t sleep for more than about an hour a time at night and was awake crying from 3 this morning and only went to sleep when I caved and fed him to sleep after 6 and even then he only slept for half an hour and day naps are non existent because he just cries and cries and cries.

I’m in tears writing this because I just don’t know what to do I feel like I’m never going to sleep again. What are the best sleep training courses and would these even work for my son because it seems like no matter how consistent I am with him with not picking him up and rocking him to sleep or trying not to feed him to sleep it doesn’t make any difference and I’m just in the same situation I was when he came out the womb accept them at least he would sleep in the day. Sorry for the rant