


How’s everyone’s LOs doing with self-soothing at bedtime? Last week we started letting my son (7 months this week) CIO for short intervals (2-5 mins at a time), then I’ll go in and rub his back or pick him up to calm him if he’s really worked up, and most of the time it works, he’s typically asleep after max 40 mins whining/crying. Tonight he made himself sick though after crying for like 3 minutes 🤦🏻‍♀️ before we started letting him CIO, he would sleep max 2-3 hours at a time at night, would need to nurse back to sleep every time and he would have 2 naps a day for 20-30 mins each. Now he’s sleeping up to 8 hours at a time (usually 6), then 3-4 hours, and his naps are now about 1-1/2 I would definitely say it’s working for the most part. It’s just so hard letting him cry, especially tonight to the point of making himself sick 😞

Anyone have tips to make it easier? And what are you doing for nighttime wakings because he wants a snack when he gets up so I feed him and he typically falls back asleep about 5-10 mins later. He’s on the smaller side so I don’t mind feeding him (plus it keeps me from needing to pump), but I’m worried I’m not letting him self-soothe in the night and it’s making it harder for naps and bedtime. Any advice?

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With my son, I did CIO. Took 1 day of 20 minutes and we were done for life. He would sometimes wake up at night still but a pacifier usually helped him. With this baby, she screams for hours at the top of her lungs like she’s summoning a demon. There is NO end to her crying. She gets angry but won’t pass out. Ever. This child does not have the ability to self soothe in any way and we have been working on this for months now.Needless to say, No CIO is possible for this kid. She’s very high maintainance and needs extra help with her sleep in every situation


Posted at
I don’t know how you feel about “loveys” but Ivy has really taken to her Abby sloth blanket. Unfortunately I don’t think it was anything we really did, but she likes to hold him close to her face and then she pretends she’s drinking her bottle and she falls asleep 🤷🏼‍♀️ we now let her take her baby sloth to bed with her. If she does wake up during the night she reaches for her sloth and falls back to sleep when she finds it. Maybe you could see if your little one would like something like that?


Deidra • Jul 29, 2019
It sounds like you guys are doing a great job, and he’s almost there! Good luck! I hope you find something that helps 😊


Ja • Jul 29, 2019
Weird I was just looking at them online cause he does like to play with my daughter’s old one so thought maybe I’d get him his own. I may just give it a try! Thanks 😊