My tww symptoms or lack of leading to bfp

SpicyMami • 👧🏾2k11👼2k18 🌈👶🏽3-2020 👧🏾4-21

I'm almost 5 weeks pregnant and wanted to share with you my symptoms in case I can help someone.

June 26 I had a 4 day cycle and felt funny so I took an opk July 6th and it was positive! That means I ovulated 7 days after my cycle ended (cd11)

I was gearing up for

<a href="">IVF</a>

, all meds were purchased + plans for retrieval for July 2019. (Had been thinking of

<a href="">IVF</a>

in dec 2018 but halted plans because I fell pregnant before my

<a href="">IVF</a>

consult (ended in ectopic at 5weeks and 4 days).


At 5dpo (July 11th) i had slight slight brown in my panty liner pic 👇🏾

And again on July 17th 👇🏾

I had no cramping accompanied by the brown blood,btw.


My "symptoms" were non existent. I had my usual pre menstrual acne and light cramps that warn me that my period is coming. My cycle ended up being 5 days late and I was pissed because I was certain it was my poly cystic ovaries making my cycle late. 🙄

Hubby told me to test and I did.😍😍💕

I posted in the glow threads about the discharge I had been having in my TWW and I was told that it was just old blood. I thought perhaps an infection. Nonetheless I was wrong.

Moral of my testimony, symptoms or a lack thereof could mean you are indeed pregnant. And "PMS" symptoms and pregnancy symptoms mimic each other.

Thanks for reading and blessings. 🖤💜

I think my rainbow baby is sticking around. 💕💕💕❤💚💙💛🧡💜💛💚