Using sex to ripen cervix

I've sworn off vaginal and anal sex since the second trimester, my husband isn't rough but it has been painful to have sex with him while pregnant we've decided oral would be best until after the baby is born. I'm over being pregnant it's my fifth pregnancy and it's been painful ever since the strip turned blue. I have constant back pain, pelvic pain, anal pain, sciatic nerve pain, dizziness, weakness, and my left goes out often. I'm 35 weeks and I know babies come when they want but I want to give this girl a little more incentive not to torture me any longer. I told my NP this she encouraged me to have sex with my husband and not have him pull out. She says the sperm will help ripen the cervix. She also encouraged me to go for an orgasm after 37 weeks but it takes forever for me to climax. I don't have the energy for all that so I'll just keep getting my husband off to see if he'll help like he did before. I got one more month left but I'm tired of the pain I want my body back! I wanna hear some of your stories and plans on getting your babies out naturally.

I have 5 kids this is not my first rodeo clearly. I’ve heard all of the stories the baby comes on it’s own, don’t rush the process, blah blah blah. I didn’t ask for all that I heard it all before which is why I specifically asked how to prepare my body for birth naturally. I didn’t say I wanted my baby out right at this moment. I’ve had two preemies before I know what that’s like. If my doctor and NP, two people who I trust and have grown very fond of, are making suggestions I don’t get why I got the response I just got. This is a normal conversation amongst pregnant women ready to pop, go preach to someone who asks for it!