Long postπŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’™

Kelsey β€’ Mommy of 4, pregnant with baby number 5!! Supposed to be here March 9th, but I am a C Section so it'll be a week early!! Praying for a BOYπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Little back ground, I am a mommy of 4. After I had my soon to be 1 year old, on august 14. I was dead set on, no more babies. After all, God blessed me with 4. I was good!!! Started losing weight, went from 181-157. Then, my husband tells me he wants another baby πŸ™„. I was on birth control, didn't miss single day. My periods became regular at the beginning of the month. I was also, taking weight loss pills. So I was like, we good!!! Well, my husband randomly started to not pull outπŸ™„ so, I would go pee right after and not lay flat. I tried everything... well, sure enough. I became really light headed out of know where, when I went to take my birth control and weight loss pills. I decided not, to take them. Instead, I went to go get a test. I know my body very well, i never get lightheaded or dizzy. It came back negative. Well, something inside me told me to not take anymore pills and when my husband got off work. Go to the ER. Well, sure enough I did. My HCG level was a 15 on monday, did a sonogram determined I was like 2 weeks. Went to my dr did my HCG levels again on Tuesday, heard back Wednesday HCG was 40. Well, we redid my HCG a week and half after on july 6th. Came back my HCG was 14899.. yep most definitely pregnant. Went, for another dr appointment on the 25th. Heart rate is 149πŸ’™ and baby is measuring 8 weeks as of today. Due date is March 9th. My bestfriend, is also pregnant and her due date is March 8th. We are both Csections! Thats probably the only excitement out of all this, and I'm getting another baby!! But, dear Lord 5!!!!!!!! 5. God must sees me a strong woman, to handle 5 kids.

I double ovulate, and based off of my period i should of been 12 weeks. Most definitely not. I didnt have a period in June. So, disregard the 12 weeks on my pic!!