Do I have a right to be upset?

So I work as an advisor for an educational institution. My last day of work I will be 36 weeks pregnant.

My supervisor today asked me if I would be traveling to our sister office in another city for a yearly retreat when I will be 35 weeks pregnant. I said, no I will not. She goes, “okay, then can you go work a booth at a career fair that day?”

Seriously! You want my 35 week pregnant ass to drag all of our promotional stuff to a career fair and stand on my feet all day at a booth???

I’m so upset. Like smoke is literally coming out of my ears. Okay, not literally. But you get the idea. Am I justified in being upset?

I already struggle with pelvic girdle pain so walking is a struggle and I’m only at 32w+4d today. I just want some consideration for the fact that I’m about to pop. But nope.

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