Could I be pregnant? 🤔

I’m on cycle day 29. My cycles are usually 28 days. I’m never late on my period and this time I am. I’m usually 2 days early actually.

2 days ago, I got sick with a mild cold and still recovering. Not to mention, but who the heck gets sick with a cold in the summer when it’s 90 degrees?! Like what? My temperatures are still high (no fever just a mild cold). They aren’t dropping like they should. They’re in the 98’s for 2 weeks since ovulation. No sign of AF. I have a little cramping but don’t feel anything coming. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it’s negative. I’m only 12 dpo. Could I be pregnant? My mom always came up with a cold when she found out she was pregnant. So now I’m curious. Is it too early to test?