My labor & Delivery Story!!!

My gosh I thought the day would never come. My pregnancy was long but still felt short and I wasn’t miserable to say but it was hard. (FTM) and I surely thought that I would have my babygirl early but she surprised me. I was due July 24th and swore up and down that I would go until August! My last appt was on my due date and I was ready to get to that appt and hear whether they would schedule an induction or not. But babygirl surprised me and decided to put me into early labor on the 23rd! I labored at home for about 16 hours and I finally made it to the hospital where I was 3cm dilated and fully thinned and effaced. I was surprised thinking I had to be further dilated considering how much pain I was actually in. It was insane!! I was having back labor. She was positioned weird and the pains in my back I thought I was ripping apart. From there it took about 8 hours. I did it all natural with no epidural! The pain was excruciating I was literally having contractions and then I would practically pass out and then wake up to another one. Doctors came in and broke my water at 7cm which threw me back down to 6cm but said the process happens quick from there and to let them know when I was ready to push. I had a few more contractions throughout the hour and then BAM they were the worst they had ever been. I had 3 contractions in a row where I actually pushed and I knew I was pushing but I passed out right after and couldnt let them know. On that third one as I pushed through the contraction I felt her moving down the birth canal and I screamed “I’m pushing and shes coming!” The doctors ran in and lights came on all over and doctors checked and said “Shes a 10, baby is right there, its time” They asked me to try my hardest not to push and I tried my best although it was very hard. The doctor had to cut me because delivery was happening so fast. After those 3 contractions I had one more, they told me push and babys head and shoulders were out. Next contraction I pushed again and she came flying. I was shocked. I was emotionless and the first thing that came out of my mouth was “There really was a baby in me” I could not believe it. I’m so happy and proud l did it all natural and it was easier than I thought. She is absolutely perfect and to make it even better she came on her given due date which is rare!! It was the absolute best day of my life. She is now 5 days old we are home and she is eating so well. 6 pounds 5 ounces of pure beauty. 😭💗 Adelyn Jade