Super long cycles are SO infuriating

Siobhan • Mama to LO born Oct '22.

Currently CD47 and ovulation was 14 days ago (OPK) I just got BFN. I knew it was coming as my temps have been really varied, I know they should be high, but they were up and down. My doctor told me i have cysts - confirmed by an internal ultrasound. But all the doctor has told me is that I need to be referred to a specialist. That was weeks ago and I haven't even had the referral letter yet. So I assume that's not helping things and maybe I didn't even ovulate.

In the past year I've had 7 cycles. Missing 5 attempts I would have had if my period was normal.

Having to wait 45-50 days to try is SO FUSTRAITING. meanwhile everyone I know is pregnant. I just needed to vent. I know it could be worse, but I'm finding it hard.

Thanks for reading.