

This whole summer consists of me having to wake up early in the morning to go to my grandmas house for 7 hours laying on the couch every weekday because I’m not comfortable doing things at other people houses. I’m being sent there because my parents never in my entire life let me stay at my own house alone (not even for 5 minutes). When I get home I wash all the dishes, shower my siblings and I get my phone taken away when my mom gets home from work so I can sleep early (but I never do) I cry for hours while everyone sleeps peacefully . On the weekends I have to watch the children while my dad stays outside the whole day fixing his stupid truck. The second he walks in he starts yelling at me for what my siblings do. He tells me I’m stupid and retarded. When They see me cry both of my parents get mad at me like I can control it. I asked my dad when can I stay home and watch the kids instead of going to my grandmas house and he says “when you’re older”. Like bruh I’m already in high school. When I’m older that’s gonna be my last and only chances of freedom and you’re just gonna take that from me because you can’t watch your own children? I won’t be able to leave my house because I know I won’t be able to have a good paying job without college education which of course no one would help me with. I’m quiet and shy in public because I’m scared someone would yell at me for saying something wrong. I wasn’t allowed to see any of my friends and go to my plans to the movies because I’m “a girl and someone would take me”. Schools two weeks away and I haven’t had any fun this summer. The end

Moral of the story is... let your children be children