Nervous Stomach 😩


You know that nervous feeling you get in the pit of your stomach?! I have it right now and I don’t know why 😩 I’m lying here watching TV and just have this nervous/anxious feeling and idk why ... I was worried about paying for school, but that’s covered and under control so it’s not that, I’m always worried about paying my credit card off bc I have so much on it and have other things to pay for it, but I’m actually getting it down and have a plan so like I have that under control and don’t feel nervous about that idt ... idk if it’s just all this stuff I have going on, and I don’t think I’m nervous about It but really I am and that’s why, even tho I’m telling myself I’m not haha

I just wanna be with my boyfriend right now lol I need some snuggles! or at least just text him but he’s been sleeping all night 🙄