November Moms


Im impatient moody and ready to meet my baby. With about 3 months left im continuously thinking about her. How id go through anything just to keep her safe. How she is gonna look. Her little tummy and toes the way she is gonna cry. Im so

ready to meet her I have anxiety. I feel selfish. When i walked out of my 20 weeks scan 2 weeks ago I was more than relieved to hear she was healthy. Not missing a single piece growing rapidly and smiling for me. Im honored as a woman to be this child's mom and I can't wait to go through labor just to meet her. That may sound insane but like i said id do anything for her. I would. And its gonna hurt like hell to have contractions and all the pushing if even goes that way but i already know id do it all again for her and i haven't even really seen her face.💚