Need to hear your experience on daycare


Today my daughter is 4 1/2 months. She was with her nanny for the first time.

Since she was born she has had 3 different family members looking after her in our house and that went fine more or lesS.

Today she was meant to stay there 3 jours but after 2hours of smiling playing and napping it was time for milk.

My daughter refused the bottle of expressed milk.she is used to having bottles and doesn’t make a fuss when other people give her. It is actually a momeyshe usually takes to observe them closely.

Well today she screamed and was so unhappy that the nanny called me to the rescue. Once i got there she took the bottle perfectly with me. And as soon as the nanny had another go, the crisis hot again.

I would like to read your stories of first day of day are with age of child
