I may have miscarried

Cookie 👼🏽👼🏽

I’m 6 wks pregnant with fibroids. I woke up yesterday bleeding, back/abdominal pain and past some clots. The bleeding has not increased.

Went to the hospital and did a vaginal ultrasound and no sac was found. They tested my HCG levels and they doubled from last wk. my levels were over 3500. They said I could have miscarried or have an ectopic pregnancy. They couldn’t confirm since my HCG levels were still very high. I’ve had bad cramping since yesterday but light bleeding. Has anyone experience this? Anyone with fibroids gone through this and the baby was ok?

I’m completely shattered. We’ve been trying for 10 years. I no longer feel pregnant I feel completely empty and heartbroken. I’m trying to hold on to hope that maybe it’s still too soon to see the baby since I’m only 6 wks.