Help!! Negative pregnancy test with pregnancy symptoms and a missed period

Hello ladies! I’m very new to the whole TTC thing and we have only been trying for a couple months. I had just had my nexplanon implant removed when we started trying to get pregnant. My period has always been a little irregular even on birth control so I have been using ovulation tests to help me figure out when I am ovulating. This cycle I had a very close to positive ovulation test (I hadn’t been taking them at regular times due to being busy so I chalked it up to missing the LH surge). About 10 days after what I’m assuming was ovulation and about a week before my period was expected. I was having some mild pelvic cramping and never get cramps before my period. I thought maybe this was implantation cramping and waited about 4 days after to take a pregnancy test which was negative 😢. My period was due to start Sunday and it is now 3 days after my period was supposed to start so I took another pregnancy test which was also negative 😢 I have been having pretty severe nausea for the past couple days and I feel like my sense of smell is insane. I also have a lot of milky discharge. I have read that people can have negative HPTs and blood tests and still actually be pregnant. Is this true? Has anyone actually had this happen or know someone who has? Or am I just wanting to be pregnant so much my body has started having symptoms??? Help!!