
Literally cant stop crying. I've gained 10lbs in the last two weeks and I know I'm going to get an ear full from my doctor at my appointment this week. I'm almost 34 weeks and have gained 64 lbs. Pre pregnancy I was 138 lbs and looked good and healthy didnt exercise never gained weight like this ever!!!! I don't know how I've gained this much weight and SO fast. I eat healthy atleast 5 days out of the week! Just lean meats and veggies!! I was trying to get walks in but it's way to hot, and I am in pain like 24/7 now and cant breath even sitting just so uncomfortable. I just dont even know what to do anymore but let it be and keep gaining the next 6 weeks. I feel like shit. Physically and emotionally.😖😩 anyone else gaining weight like this too?