Post partum depression?

Lucy • Mommy to a handsome boy💚 Pregnant with baby #2💗

I'm 21, I have a 10 month old son and currently 8 weeks pregnant. I've always dealt with anger issues pretty much my whole life, but lately I've been wondering if there's some post partum depression I've been dealing with but never knew it. I don't have anyone in my life to talk to about it that's ever dealt with it, and I've never really been very good at figuring out my own emotions. I usually get angry or sad or depressed and shut down, ignore my partner and my family and don't talk. It feels easier not to talk about anything because when I do, it seems like nobody actually understands what I'm talking about anyway. My partner tries to be supportive but I feel like I push him away most of the time and I don't even know why. Sometimes my thoughts run wild and I'll get so caught up in my own head that I'll start to feel like I'd rather just be a single mom and be alone. But simultaneously I would never want to leave my boyfriend. I don't understand why I'm like this and why my emotions become so extreme. Sometimes it affects my son as well, I'll get frustrated and raise my voice when I shouldn't. He's only 10 months old and he doesn't deserve a mom like that. I'm just so angry with myself and I don't know what to do.