‘Down there’ issues, pls help!

A couples months back I had thrush I got that treated then like 2 weeks later I got bv and also got that treated...

- before all of this ‘down there’ smelt great lol like I never had an issue with it & was never self conscious about a guy being down there

But ever since all that there has been an unpleasant smell, it’s not strong or proper foul, it just smells a bit off

I have a bf and he always wants to finger me or go down on me but I’m too scared bc I know my vagina doesn’t smell how it should and I always make excuses why he can’t

I’m 16 and kinda embarrassed about this

And tablets/medicine I could get for it?

Any home remedies?

What are reasons that cause ur vagina to smell different?

Is it possible I still have bv and it never fully went away????? I took all the tablets my dr gave me....

I just need some help, anything will be helpful, thanks!!!!!!