Ear infection antibiotics not working


Long story short for people who dont want to read it all I'm really hoping someone has found a remedy that helped an ear infection even when antibiotics dont. my little guy just hit 16 months. Three months ago he had ear tubes put in. Two weeks ago he started having a lot of drainage coming out. I couldnt get him into the ent as there was a 3 week wait so we went to urgent care. He was prescribed antibiotic ear drops. At the end of those he still had just as much pus and nastiness so he was given amoxicillin and we were told to keep doing the drops as well. Today there is zero improvement and we were up for half the night because he was in pain. I called the ent and at this point we would have to wait an entire month to be seen. We cant live like this for that long 🤣 I've dont tylenol and compresses and whatnot but I'm really hoping someone has found a remedy that helped even when antibiotics dont