How is everyone dealing with the heat while being pregnant?

🖤Mommy🖤 • ♥️Son-7/00♥️Daughter-9/04♥️Daughter-11/12♥️👼-9/15♥️Son- 8/16♥️Son- 3/18♥️👼- 4/19♥️👼- 5/19♥️ Son- 2/20♥️

This heat is killing me. I hate water, the taste is disgusting to me. With all this heat though, I've actually started drinking water throughout the day. Today im exhausted and have been nauseous all day.. we have an AC but I can't sit in front of it all day, the kids love playing outside... Im just wondering what you other moms are doing to handle these hot days?

I hate complaining about the weather because when winter comes around and we're surrounded by 2 feet of snow, I cry for summer... Being pregnant with it being humid and 90° every single day.... That shits for the birds!!!