Just trying to be a good mom 😭😭


So my 1.5 year old son and I went out for lunch with my dad who we see maybe twice a year if we’re lucky because his wife controls his life and she doesn’t like me (still not sure why. I’ve been nice I’ve tried to include her. She’s all her her her so I gave up and I’m done with it. It’s been 15 years like this so I’m over being the bigger person.) So my son is getting his 2 year molars and also growing pains on top of that. So at lunch he throws a massive tantrum. Screaming and crying and he is NEVER like that. So I grabbed him to take him outside to calm down and catch his breath and some old man maybe 85+ says “ugh. Thank you. Finally” as I’m leaving I was in tears because I’m 4 months pregnant and trying to calm my toddler down and I’m overwhelmed everyone’s staring at us. So I leave. I get a few good tears out. My son calms down. We walk back into the restaurant he’s calm and happy now. Walking himself in and my son STARTED WAVING AT ALL THESE PEOPLE 😅 they’re clapping and high fiving him and he’s so happy and clapping and they say hi and we sit down and finish our lunch happy the rest of the time. But I can’t help but he so upset that this old man said that to me 😭 like it happens. Right? Kids freak out