Relationship advice


I just turned 29. My bf is 28. We’ve been together for almost a year in August. He just moved in with me. I live with my brothers. I’m an artist he’s a successful dj with a side job. We were very much in love, looked forward to spending time together ect. We go to lots events & for most part had no major problems. He is kind, loving & romantic.

Then we started with intimacy issues. He can be selfish in bed & his libido is very low. He’s not as interested in sex as I am. I’ve been trying to deal with it. Now that we’re living together we constantly argue. I mean argue about everything. If something happens he threatens to leave & proceeds to call his mom, friends whoever to tell them. I’m a private person & in general don’t like getting anyone involved unless it’s really bad or I need advice.

The fights are beginning to be extreme. He yells at me a lot. He has bipolar so I’m wondering if this is why he blows up. He seems very insecure & will project on me. Blames me for arguments & his negative feelings.

I find myself very lonely rn, I cry a lot when I’m alone. I feel that I’m a good girlfriend but I’m getting tired & don’t know where to go from here.

We have things we have agreed on to make the relationship better but it still doesn’t seem to get better. He never follows through. He says he loves me. But I don’t feel it. The way he looks, the way he looks at me, how irritated he gets, constant complaints he makes about me. He says I’m never happy but he never seems happy. I’m concerned & sad. It’s not easy to just leave when you live with someone. I need help.