Joining the baby girl club 😱


Well we had our anatomy scan today and we are having a baby girl! I’m excited but I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed (which I feel such mom guilt for). We have a 2 year old son and when we found out about him we were both jumping for joy. I absolutely love having my little momma’s boy and was truly hoping for another little boy. I tried to prepare myself my entire pregnancy so far by convincing myself this was a girl so when we found out (and if it was a girl) I wouldn’t be as sad. I’m super excited to be having this baby and I’m sure having a girl is fun but I’m struggling a little bit with the idea that this truly is a baby girl I’m carrying. I know I’m not alone and it happens to a lot of people but I definitely feel terrible for feeling this way.

Baby girl is looking good though which is what really matters. I apparently have an anterior placenta but thankfully have been feeling movements since 18 weeks. And baby is weighing about 12 oz.