My fiancé won’t have sex with me * updated

He does have low testosterone. I understand that. But he can get his dick to work to jerk off but won’t even take time to get intimate with me.

It’s been like 4 months or longer since we had sex and were in our 20’s. He’s 21.

He can sit there and jerk off, have sex once every 4 months.

I feel like if he’d get off his video game and come to bed earlier and get intimate he’d be okay. He doesn’t even try anymore. ☹️

He plays his game until 12am and goes to bed right after and I’ll be asking him to get off around 11 but he never does.

And he just got upset with me for tearing up.

He won’t go get his medicine, I’ve offered for me to get it for him. I have needs to.

I don’t HAVE to have sex. I haven’t in four months but does it make me feel good when my partner shows interest in me? Yes.

I’ve gained weight with my birth control to which has been hard on me so this makes it even more emotional.

The bottom line is he has the chance to fix his issues but won’t even try and I don’t think it’s that fair.

Just a rant ..

* update ;

I went to go talk to him about it and how I find it not so fair and he looked at me took his shirt off and walked away 😞 and his face was NOT happy with me.